The Federal
Government's History is Less Than Credible With Regards to Swine Flu
The Hidden Story Behind Swine Flu
With the government constantly reminding us of the dangers
of swine flu (or H1N1 flu), and with over 1,600 citizens infected in 43 states, one can't help but wonder how much
is hype and how much is truth. When one considers the less than sterling record the U.S. federal government has
with managing the swine flu problem, it is natural to question.
Even the vaunted and well respected World Health Organization (WHO) is facing increasing criticism
over their handling of this "level 5 epidemic."
The flu (influenza) could be a serious issue. According to WHO, up to two billion people might get
the swine flu.
Let's put that number in perspective. There are currently an estimated six billion people in the
world. (I've heard that number is as high as seven billion but I will take the lower number.)
That means a high-ranking government agency believes as many as one in three people on this planet could come down with swine
Conversely, many think the WHO is deliberately stoking public fear. If so, why would they do that?
What's the truth here?
The Hidden Story Behind Swine Flu, Part
This is not the first time the swine flu has garnered headlines in America.
Swine flu has existed at least since 1918 when it reportedly killed 500,000 Americans and infected
20 million worldwide. It was actually first labeled "swine flu" in 1976 after a young American solider in the state
of Mississippi died from it on February 6, 1976.
As a consequence, then U.S. President Gerald R. Ford wanted the entire American population of 220
million to be inoculated even though there was only one reported death and 500 or fewer who had fallen ill to
Critics of that decision, including Arthur M. Silverstein, the author of Pure Politics and
Impure Science, suggests the influence of Big Pharma drug companies strongly figured into Ford's decision
to immunize all Americans due to its massive profit potential.
That's not a surprise.
Ford was serious about inoculating all Americans from the swine flu. In 1976, Dr. W. Delano
Meriwether was given the responsibility to ensure all 220 million Americans be inoculated within one year's
After Pvt. David Lewis's death on February 6, 1976, as early as mid-March 1976, then Center for
Disease Control (CDC) director Dr. David J. Sencer had mobilized the medical establishment behind President Ford's
$135 million inoculation program. There was resistance but eventually Congress funded Ford's plan, passing it
August 12, 1976.
Let's consider a few important facts here.
Using the government's own timeline, a vaccine was supposedly discovered somewhere between
February 6, 1976 when Pvt. David Lewis died and October 1, 1976 when inocoulations began -- and that's being
Realistically, a viable vaccine could only have been found somewhere between August 12, 1976 to
late September -- a mere month and a half. In that time, they would've had to gather the funds to study the
disease, discover a winning vaccine, test and certify it as ready for dissemination to the entire public, and then
plan the mass innoculation plan. Some have rightly questioned that timeline.
Nevertheless, on October 1, 1976, inoculations began.
Within weeks numerous people complained of serious health ailments. By December 16, 1976, the
U.S. government was forced to suspend the mass inoculation plan having inoculated approximately 40 million people for a flu that never came.
Interestingly enough, the drug companies worried about
side effects of the inoculations and lobbied the U.S. government be found blameworthy for any problems caused. As
it turns out, their fears were well founded. They still made millions and millions though -- their true
Let's think about this for a moment, Ford, the government, and the drug companies in March 1976
wanted every American inoculated even though only one person had died and fewer than 1,000 human beings had swine
flu -- even though a
vaccine hadn't been discovered yet!
Fast forward to the present. The government says that there isn't a cure for it --
even though they said there was in 1976. (In 2012, they said a cure was found.)
Sounds suspicious, doesn't it? Of course, if one
brings up such documented contradictions one is labeled a "conspiracy theorist."
My opinion?
Someone high up somewhere -- probably a secret society
Skull & Bones elitist scumbag-like person -- is smelling a profit and is manuvering the pieces on his ouija
board with his well-placed pals in "The Cabal" to cash in.
Remember, to sell evil, you have to cloak it in the
language of the good. In this instance, the public's good. That is The Cabal's typical modus
Swine Flu Cure Timeline
We're told there isn't a cure for the swine flu -- again. Although now there is news leaking out
that another vaccine is close at hand and has even been certified.
While I write this, the Health Protection Agency (HPA) in England believes they have unlocked the
full genetic code for the swine flu, which is critical in knowing how the virus operates. Moreover, the ability to
identify the critical components of the virus is ostensibly important in the development of a vaccine.
The Russian government as well says it is in the process of developing a vaccine.
I'm not saying an allopathic vaccine cure can't be found. It may very well be and I hope there is
if it's legitimate for I have no desire to see people suffer.
The truth is there is an incredibly inexpensive remedy or tool for swine flu, and flu in
general, and it's readily available to almost everyone in the world. It's as close as your local grocery store.
What's the Natural Swine Flu Aid?
Is There An Herbal Solution for Swine Flu?
There is a solution, I believe. It's not cayenne pepper, though, although cayenne
will fortify your overall health and immune system.
It's garlic. Yes,
In Russia, garlic is called the "Russian Penicillin" due to garlic's formidable antiseptic and
vulnerary properties.
Garlic was used to arrest the plague in the Dark Ages in Europe, and as recently as World War I it
was the medicine of choice for treating wounds as an antiseptic and vulerary agent. It worked, too.
What about cayenne pepper?
Cayenne pepper has had success in treating scarlet fever, typhoid fever, yellow fever, and low
fevers with other antiseptic therapeutic-action agents or medicinal herbs.
While it is an accentuator herb, it's not ideal or perfect for eradicating swine flu or any flu,
garlic and onions are. (Notice how both of those plants are in the Liliaceae family.)
That's not to say that cayenne shouldn't be used. It should be. Cayenne is one of the most potent
foods and medicinal spices in the world and should be a part of everyone's health regime, in my opinion.
More to the point, it will also accentuate the efficacy of the garlic.
Cayenne Can Work With Influenza
That's not to say cayenne doesn't work in eradicating or mitigating influenza. It does. It's just
that garlic is ready made for influenza due to its amazing and unparallelled antiseptic and vulnerary
Yes, cayenne works well.
One John Heinerman, Ph.D in one of his health books discussed a flu-fighting elixir he discovered
while doing folk medicine research in the Mexican Yucatan peninsula. Heinerman came down with the flu and on the
advice of a local mayan folk healer, he juiced sour oranges and added a pinch of cayenne pepper.
Heinerman reounts how he struggled to drink it but he did so. After gargling and drinking the
concoction (two glasses), he went to bed. In the morning, he felt "100 percent better" (p. 37). Upon returning to
America, he was curious as to the synergy, if any, between vitamin C (ascorbic acid) and the capsaicin in cayenne
pepper and discovered that vitamin C's potency and longevity is significantly enhanced when some cayenne pepper is
added to it versus when it's taken alone.
Heinerman found out that the vitamin C "remains in the body almost twice as long and works more
powerfully than by itself" (ibid.). In Heinerman's opinion, "The very best combination I know, even more potent
than synthetic antibiotics for clearing up infections of any kind, are garlic, goldenseal, cayenne pepper and
vitamin C" (ibid.).
Heinerman learned first hand what other naturopathic doctors and master herbalists have long
asserted: cayenne pepper accentuates the nutritional potency and efficacy of microbiological nutrients. In many of
his herbal formulas, naturopathic doctor Dr. John R. Christopher routinely added cayenne to his formulas as an
accentuating agent -- even his eye health formulas!
Lastly, something strikes me about this concoction Heinerman discovered thanks to a local mayan or
Mexican folk healer. It's wonderful that this drink has ingredients that are so readily available to anyone in the
civilized world and is very inexpensive.
That's one of the reasons why I am enchanted with alternative means. They actually work and they
are inexpensive -- no wonder the medical establishment detests them and seeks to keep their efficacy quiet.
Medicinal Herbs vs. Allopathic
The public is becoming increasingly aware of the benefits of natural foods and herbs. It's even
been reported that mushrooms help fight the influenza. Yes, mushrooms. You can read about it here:
There are those who discount completely vaccines in the homeopathic community. I can see why but
I'll leave that discussion for another day.
Nevertheless, I've always felt the best scenario for optimum health and healing is for a marriage
between homeopathic, alternative medicine like medicinal herbs and allopathic medicine (in other words western
medicine). I wouldn't hold out for that, unfortunately.
There's just too much money made with pharmaceutical drugs and in over-priced medical procedures
for the medical community to suddenly throw up their hands and admit they've lied for years and have conspired
to keep the public in the dark regarding legitimate cures.
Look at what the medical establishment and government have done to Kevin Trudeau, Dr. John R.
Christopher, Dr. Lorraine Day, Dr. Harvey Diamond, Dr. Gerson and a multitude of others who seek or sought to
educate the public about alternative, non-allopathic medical interventions like medicinal herbs.
Again, I suppose, that's a story for another day.
I do know, though, that the HIN1 or swine flu "epidemic" has already been profitable for at least
one drug company. Check out this link leading to an article by the Wall Street Journal to see for
Conclusion: Swine Flu and Cayenne Pepper
Many believe the WHO provoked unecessary alarm by escalating its warnings against swine flu. That's
debatable. What is overblown is the supposed incurability of this particular strain of influenza.
Even allopathic medical researchers on both sides of the Atlantic now say and confirm publicly that
they think swine flu or H1N1 flu is eminently curable. Considering the government's history here, I'm not going to
give them my unvarnished trust just yet.
There's been a solution all along. It's garlic. Yes, that humble and simple herb that most
think is just a wonderful culinary agent in Asian, American, and Italian cooking.
Cayenne pepper will help in keeping the blood clean and in maintaining a healthy bloodstream and is
a potent agent with vitamin C, but overall, garlic is the herbalist's and naturopathic doctor's choice in helping
treat flu or any serious strain of influenza like the swine flu.
Lastly, if you're interested in supplementing or experimenting with cayenne, you can get more
information about buying good quality cayenne at this article within this site. Or, for a full product price list of
cayenne options, go to this page here.
I hope you found this information useful. References:
Heinerman, John. (1996). The health benefits of cayenne. CT: Keats Publishing, Inc.
Quillin, Patrick. (1998). The healing power of cayenne pepper. OH: The Leader Co., Inc.